37 Questions with Jan Neumann-Mahlkau

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37 Questions with Jan Neumann-Mahlkau

Welcome to the second edition of our “37 Questions” series, where we get to know the brilliant minds behind Modelwise in a fun and casual way. Why the number 37? Well, there is a cool video from Veritasium explaining its significance. At Modelwise, we chose 37 questions to reflect the uniqueness and intriguing qualities of our team members, just like this fascinating number.

Today, we are excited to feature Jan Neumann-Mahlkau, a passionate guitarist and avid outdoor sports enthusiast. Jan’s journey with Modelwise began during his master’s thesis. By profession, he is an industrial engineer, and at Modelwise, he works as a project engineer. Jan is also our first working student-turned-full-time employee who has grown with the company! He fondly calls himself the “Jack of all trades,” seamlessly balancing pure engineering tasks with business development and customer success activities.

But there is more to Jan than his professional journey and diverse skills. Let’s dive into our 37 Questions to uncover his inspirations, preferences, and some surprising fun facts!

Fact File: Jan Neumann-Mahlkau
  • Nickname: Jan, Jack of all trades
  • Pronunciation: ya-an (not ja-an)
  • From: Deutschland
  • Joined Modelwise: Nov 2019 (as a working student), Jul 2021 (as a full-time employee)
  • Current Position: Project Engineer
  • Key Achievements: Finding a design flaw in a 35-page PDF using Paitron!
  • LinkedIn: Jan Neumann-Mahlkau
  • Author page: Jan Neumann-Mahlkau
Rapid Fire Q&A

The rules are simple! 37 questions, and Jan has to answer with whatever comes to his mind first without overthinking it. Let’s roll!

Aravindha: Hi Jan! Thanks for joining the second edition of “Inside Modelwise.” Let’s jump right in – what’s currently inspiring you in your work at Modelwise?
Jan: The feedback we get from the industry.

Aravindha: That must be really motivating! What are some of your goals for today?
Jan: Finalize the IKOM Pitch and test BOM matching for a client.

Aravindha: Sounds like a productive day ahead. How do you like to kick-start your Monday (or any day)?
Jan: A coffee in the sun.

Aravindha: That sounds like a perfect start! Who were your role models or inspirations while growing up?
Jan: My Dad and Grandad.

Aravindha: Family inspirations are always special. Night in or a night out?
Jan: Night in.

Aravindha: What’s a trend you think will continue to thrive?
Jan: AI.

Aravindha: Definitely, that’s an exciting field. Our field, perhaps! What TV series have you been binge-watching recently?
Jan: Nothing recently. A few years ago, it was Breaking Bad.

Aravindha: A classic choice! What’s the most valuable life lesson you’ve learned so far?
Jan: Aim for the golden middle.

Aravindha: Do you have a favorite book that has influenced your perspective?
Jan: Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse.

Aravindha: What is it about Siddhartha that resonated with you?
Jan: The journey of self-discovery and the art of letting go of things in life. Plus, the writing style of Hermann adds to it!

(Great start! Here comes the next set of questions…)

Aravindha: How would your friends describe your personality in one word?
Jan: Enjoyer.

Aravindha: Are you more inclined towards sweet or savory snacks?
Jan: Sweet.

Aravindha: Tell us something interesting about yourself that most people don’t know.
Jan: I am becoming a mushroom coach this year (2024).

Aravindha: Congratulations! That’s remarkable! What do you do as a mushroom coach?
Jan: As a coach, I take people on mushroom expeditions and teach the next generation about the wonderful world of mushrooms.

Jan, the Mushroom Coach – Coming Soon!

Aravindha: Sign me up for it! Moving on to some personal preferences, what is your go-to drink?
Jan: Apple juice.

Aravindha: Podcasts or audiobooks?
Jan: Podcasts

Aravindha: What achievement are you most proud of in your professional life?
Jan: Analyzing a system that was spread over ~30 pages of PDF.

Aravindha: Impressive! That’s certainly a great achievement. Is there a cause or social issue that holds great significance to you?
Jan: Climate change.

Aravindha: What possession do you value the most and why?
Jan: My first guitar, as I’ve been playing it for over 16 years now.
Aravindha: You must be a pro now! We need a concert at Modelwise pretty soon! (Jan nods in agreement).

Jan in His Element: His Love for Guitar & the Outdoors

Aravindha: What was your first job experience like?
Jan: Cashier at Rewe. Pretty boring.

(Halfway through! Halfway to go…)

Aravindha: What do you want to be remembered for?
Jan: Being kind.

Aravindha: That’s a wholesome goal! What did you aspire to be when you were younger?
Jan: An F1 race car driver.

Aravindha: That sounds thrilling. What is the coolest thing you have ever done?
Jan: Diving to a shipwreck.

Aravindha: Woow! That would be so memorable! If you could have lunch with a historical figure, who would you choose and where would you meet?
Jan: Neil Armstrong on the moon.

Aravindha: With some special moon food, ofcourse! If you had the chance, which artist from any era would you want to attend a concert of?
Jan: Pink Floyd in the late 60s.
Aravindha: Ah ha, the Guitar from the earlier question now makes so much sense!

Aravindha: What’s the best advice you’ve received that has influenced your professional journey?
Jan: If you’re stuck, take a break or work on something else. This can give you a different perspective on your problem.

Aravindha: I can relate to that. Who is your favorite film/comic book/fairy tale villain?
Jan: Thanos and The Joker.

Aravindha: The heavyweights, love it. Favorite season and why?
Jan: Summer – long days, swimming in the lakes, and campfires at the Isar.

Aravindha: Summer sounds splendid, isn’t it? Beach destinations or mountain retreats?
Jan: Beach.

Aravindha: How did you get to know about Modelwise?
Jan: Through Arnold (one of our co-founders).

(We’re on a roll! Here comes the next set of questions…)

Aravindha: Share a movie outside your favorite genre that you enjoyed.
Jan: Poor Things.

Aravindha: If you had a superhero power, what would it be?
Jan: Flying.

Aravindha: Do you consider yourself a night owl, an early bird, or both?
Jan: Early bird.

Aravindha: Do you have any daily rituals or routines that help you stay focused and motivated?
Jan: A proper coffee with my Bialetti.

Aravindha: Coffee definitely helps kickstart the focus. Speaking of favorites, what are your go-to pizza toppings?
Jan: Caprese.

Aravindha: Do you play any sports or engage in any physical activities?
Jan: Running, swimming, biking.

Aravindha: One thing that fascinates you about your job?
Jan: No solution on the market does exactly what Modelwise does, even though the problem we solve is well-known.

Collective Minds at Work

Aravindha: We are indeed unique in solving such well-known problems! Thanks for sharing, Jan! This chat has been enlightening and enjoyable. Hope it is the same for you too!
Jan: Ofcourse Aravindha, It was a pleasure! Thanks for having me. Looking forward to the next edition!

Wrap-Up: Final Words for the First Edition!

Thank you for joining us in getting to know Jan Neumann-Mahlkau. Our “37 Questions” series aims to bring you closer to the people who make Modelwise an innovative, fun, and dynamic place to work. We hope you enjoyed this inside look into Jan’s life and work.

Stay tuned for more engaging stories from our incredible team members in the upcoming editions of “37 Questions”. If you have any questions or want to share your thoughts, feel free to reach out to Aravindha.

Until next time, keep exploring and stay inspired!




LinkedIn: Aravindha

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