37 questions with Huzaifa

von Feb. 25, 2025Inside Modelwise

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37 Questions with Huzaifa Bashir

Welcome to the fourth edition of our “37 Questions” series, where we explore the people who make Modelwise special in a fun and casual way. Why 37? It’s inspired by a fascinating Veritasium video that reveals the unique significance of this number. At Modelwise, we chose 37 questions to celebrate the individuality and intriguing stories of our team members – just like this remarkable number.

Today, we are excited to feature Huzaifa Ahad Bashir, a mechanical engineer who has carved out his path as a seasoned business developer. Like many at Modelwise, he started as a working student before transitioning into a full-time role. A true footballer – on and off the field (you will find out later why), he loves not only tackling the football on the field but also tackling real-world challenges, refining business strategies, or uncovering hidden culinary gems across Munich.

But there is more to Huzaifa than his professional career trajectory and varied interests. Let’s dive into our 37 Questions to uncover his inspirations, preferences, and some surprising fun facts!

Fact File: Huzaifa Ahad Bashir
Huzaifa Bashir
  • Nickname: HAB
  • Pronunciation: hu-sai-fa
  • From: Pakistan
  • Joined Modelwise: Nov 2020 (as a working student), Nov 2023 (as a full-time employee)
  • Current Position: Junior Business Developer
  • Key Achievements: KPI tracking platform, streamlined the sales back office processes.
  • LinkedIn: Huzaifa Ahad Bashir
Rapid Fire Q&A

The rules are simple! 37 questions and Huzaifa has to answer with whatever comes to his mind first—no overthinking allowed. Let’s roll!

P.S. A little insider note: Aravindha and Huzaifa were college mates in their master’s program and have known each other for over five years, so you might catch a few nostalgic references along the way!

Aravindha: Hi Huzaifa! Thanks for joining the fourth edition of “Inside Modelwise.” Let’s jump right in – what is currently inspiring you in your work at Modelwise?
Huzaifa: Solving real-world problems practically.

Aravindha: Tackling real-world challenges—that’s what drives innovation! What are some of your goals for today?
Huzaifa: I will continue working on the leads campaign and do components derating for a client!

Aravindha: A mixture of biz development and engineering tasks! That’s a great variety. How do you like to kick-start your Monday (or any day)?
Huzaifa: I plan out my tasks for the day and the week—prioritize and set clear goals to keep me focused and productive.

Aravindha: A structured start sets the tone. Who were your role models or inspirations while growing up?
Huzaifa: My parents and grandparents.

Aravindha: Family is always a strong influence. In fact, that’s the third time family inspirations have been mentioned in this series. Night in or a night out?
Huzaifa: Night out.

Aravindha: What’s a trend you think will continue to thrive?
Huzaifa: Advancements in AI.

Aravindha: What TV series have you been binge-watching recently?
Huzaifa: Better Call Saul.

Aravindha: A solid choice for dramatic storytelling. What’s the most valuable life lesson you’ve learned so far?
Huzaifa: Manners maketh man.

Aravindha: Simple yet profound. Do you have a favorite book that has influenced your perspective?
Huzaifa: A Thousand Splendid Suns.

Aravindha: What is that about?
Huzaifa: It is a story about a country in conflict, the strength of family, and the power of friendship. It tells how an unexpected bond forms during hard times and how love and resilience can overcome anything.

(Great start! Here comes the next set of questions…)

Aravindha: How would your friends describe your personality in one word?
Huzaifa: Ambivert.

Aravindha: The best of both worlds! Are you more inclined towards sweet or savory snacks?
Huzaifa: Savory.

Aravindha: Got it. What is your go-to drink?
Huzaifa: Mango lassi.

Aravindha: A refreshing choice! And also a crowd favorite at Modelwise too! Podcasts or audiobooks?
Huzaifa: Podcasts.

Aravindha: Ha, Podcast: 4, Audiobooks: 0 until now! Is there a cause or social issue that holds great significance to you?
Huzaifa: Environmental sustainability.

Aravindha: A cause that affects us all. What possession do you value the most and why?
Huzaifa: My family—they are my driving force.

Aravindha: Do you thrive on routine or prefer spontaneity?
Huzaifa: Both, depending on the task at hand.

Aravindha: That flexibility is key. What was your first job experience like?
Huzaifa: It was challenging but provided valuable insights into the professional world – it taught me responsibility and persistence.

Aravindha: A strong foundation indeed. What’s your favorite movie genre to relax and unwind?
Huzaifa: History & Melodrama.

Aravindha: A fellow history nerd found! What about a movie outside your favorite genre that you enjoyed and why?
Huzaifa: Interstellar. It is emotional, with a strong father-daughter story, and seamlessly ties love, time, and sacrifice together, making it unforgettable.

(Halfway through! Halfway to go…)

Aravindha: Coming to food, what are your go-to pizza toppings?
Huzaifa: BBQ.

Aravindha: What do you want to be remembered for?
Huzaifa: Integrity and the genuine connections I made with people throughout my life.

Aravindha: Deep Huzaifa, that’s deep! What did you aspire to be when you were younger?
Huzaifa: A footballer.

Childhood dreams—yellow cards, chasing the ball, and the road to glory. Huzaifa’s journey had it all.

Aravindha: Your passion for football now makes a lot of sense! What upcoming work-related projects or developments are you most excited about?
Huzaifa: Getting customer feedback and onboarding them.

Aravindha: Projects like that set the bar high! What is the coolest thing you have ever done?
Huzaifa: If I have to pick up one thing – it’s a 110 km cycling trip I did in a single day.

Aravindha: In one day? That’s epic! If you could have lunch with a historical figure, who would you choose and where would you meet?
Huzaifa: Albert Einstein—in the middle of nowhere.

Aravindha: An intriguing choice. If you had the chance, which artist from any era would you want to attend a concert of?
Huzaifa: Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan – he is a singer of qawwali, a form of Sufi devotional music.

Aravindha: Very nice. What’s the best advice you’ve received that has influenced your professional journey?
Huzaifa: To embrace both responsibility and adventure in my career.

Aravindha: What’s your favorite season and why?
Huzaifa: Spring—pleasant days, more sunlight, and blooming nature.

Aravindha: Beach destinations or mountain retreats?
Huzaifa: Mountain retreats.

(We’re on a roll! Here come the next 10…)

Aravindha: How did you get to know about Modelwise?
Huzaifa: The TUM website.

Aravindha: Who is your favorite film/comic book/fairy tale villain?
Huzaifa: The Joker from Batman.

Aravindha: Now flipping the question, if you had a superhero power, what would it be?
Huzaifa: I don’t admire superhero powers, but if I had one, it would be super intelligence like Iron Man’s – knowledge is the ultimate power.

Aravindha: Do you consider yourself a night owl, an early bird, or both?
Huzaifa: Both.

Aravindha: Versatility at its best! Do you play any sports other than football?
Huzaifa: Cycling.

Aravindha: Haha, obviously! Do you have any daily rituals or routines that help you stay focused and motivated?
Huzaifa: Daily prayers.

Aravindha: Finally, what is at the top of your priority list for this week?
Huzaifa: Helping the engineering team with components derating.

Aravindha: And that wraps up the 37 questions! Thank you for sharing your insights, Huzaifa—it was a pleasure getting to know you better.
Huzaifa: Absolutely, Aravindha. I enjoyed it as well! Thanks for the opportunity. Looking forward to the next edition!

Wrap-Up: Final Words for the Forth Edition!

Thank you for joining us in getting to know Huzaifa Ahad Bashir. Our “37 Questions” series aims to bring you closer to the people who make Modelwise an innovative, fun, and dynamic place to work. We hope you enjoyed this inside look into Huzaifa’s life and work.

Stay tuned for more engaging stories from our incredible team members in the upcoming editions of “37 Questions”. If you have any questions or want to share your thoughts, feel free to reach out to Aravindha.

Until next time, keep exploring and stay inspired!




LinkedIn: Aravindha

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