Analogical Parables

Analogical Parables simplify complex functional safety concepts through engaging analogies drawn from everyday scenarios, making intricate insights accessible & memorable.

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Editor’s Pick

The Swiss Cheese Model

The Swiss Cheese Model

The Swiss Cheese Model: A Simple Tool to Understand Complex Failures As we entered the second week of 2024, Munich found itself in a cold embrace, with temperatures plunging below zero. This icy chill combined with snow mirrored the conditions of early December 2023,...

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All Analogical Parables

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

FMEA: A Powerful Tool to Anticipate & Avoid Potential Failures Halloween and FMEA in a single sentence? Now, that's a truly unique pairing! Despite their initial mismatch, there is more to it than meets the eye. Through the analogy of planning a Halloween party,...

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