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Template-based formalization of safety functions and analyses

Template-based formalization of safety functions and analyses

In this article, we present a template for gathering & structuring all information required by a human or software to perform a failure-mode-and-effects analysis (FMEA) using formal languages. The practical use of such a template for safety analysis is highlighted through the safety analysis (single point of failure) of a voltage monitor presented in the “ARP4761 recommended practice for aerospace system safety assessment”.

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​Where did ARP 4761 go wrong?

​Where did ARP 4761 go wrong?

In this article, we compare a manually generated expert failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) taken from SAE ARP4761 with an automatically generated one, produced with paitron and find where the ARP 4761 went wrong.

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Funktionale Sicherheit 101

Dive into the fundamentals of functional safety and navigate the intricate world of safety engineering with our curated resources. From bite-sized information tailored to various expertise levels to industry-spanning insights, immerse yourself in the fundamentals that underpin robust safety practices.

The Swiss Cheese Model

The Swiss Cheese Model

The Swiss Cheese Model: A Simple Tool to Understand Complex Failures As we entered the second week of 2024, Munich found itself in a cold embrace, with temperatures plunging below zero. This icy chill combined with snow mirrored the conditions of early December 2023,...

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